Mighty Marty’s Big Fall

Mighty Marty’s Big Fall

Do cats remember specific incidents with humans? Do cats appreciate human help? I have syringe-fed Marty and Mom has bathed his bottom countless times since he arrived from the colony as an orphan with severe diarrhea. Even with all that interaction, after he got old enough to eat on his own and explore the house, he did not […]

Sweet Boy

Sweet Boy

Look at Sweet Boy’s beautiful blue eyes! Wouldn’t those light up your home… and your life? 🙂 Sweet Boy is from a lady who fell and unexpectedly went into the hospital and was then moved into a nursing home. I think he was confused about her sudden absence because he did not come up to […]

Why Has My Cat Quit Eating?

Why Has My Cat Quit Eating?

I am not a rescue, just an individual seeking to help hapless cats; however, I have trapped and vetted over 110 cats since 2019 and am still seeking homes for many who are still at The Duncan Home For Wayward Cats awaiting adoption. This article is not intended to provide medical advice for your pet, […]

The Two Thousand Dollar Tortie

The Two Thousand Dollar Tortie

Tortitude. One word to describe the unique personality often displayed by Tortiseshell cats. “Tortoiseshell cats are believed to have a stronger, fiercely independent personality, strong-willed attitude, and be generally feisty. This means they have a greater inclination to hiss, bite, chase, and scratch humans.” “ARE TORTOISESHELL CATS RARE? Tortie cats are relatively rare when compared […]

How Do I Know If My Cat Has FIP?: Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)

How Do I Know If My Cat Has FIP?: Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)

What Is FIP? What is Feline Infectious Peritinitis (FIP)? (Cornell University) Overview of Feline Infectious Peritinitis (FIP)  (Merk Manual) Diagnosis of Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)  (National Laboratory of Medicine) Diagnostic Tests Available For Diagnosing Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) (Sage Journals) Diagnostic trees to reach a likely diagnosis of FIP  (European Advisory Board On Cat Diseases) […]

Helping Hallie

Helping Hallie

Oct 20, 2021 (pre-spay) Dec 8, 2021 (post-spay) Fig 1 After 20 days kenneled, medicated and fed heavily Fig 2 Dec 28, 2021 Fig 3 Aug 30, 2022 Meds and Food Hallie came to us on 05/26/2021 from an abandoned colony of cats and kittens. She was always quiet and very timid, hiding all the […]

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