Using A Drop Trap

Drop Trap Setup & Tear Down

This 5:50-minute video shows how to set up and tear down the Tomahawk drop trap.

Note: When trapping, we do not recommend completely removing both guilliotine doors as shown in this video. Experience has taught us that when a scared cat enters the transfer cage, you need to close the door as quickly as possible the very first time they enter the transfer cage. It is important to do this before they decide to turn around and go back into the drop trap. If they go back into the drop trap it can become much more difficult to get them to go into the transfer cage again because they now know it is not a way out. The third video on this page demonstrates a better practice for managing the guilliotine doors during trapping.

How To Use A Tomahawk Drop Trap

This is a comprehensive 7:02-minute video detailing how to use the Tomahawk Drop Trap. It provides a checklist of recommended items to have and lots of practical advice. A number of the items may not be necessary depending on circumstances.

Tomahawk Drop Trap Successful Capture & Transfer

This is a 2:30-minute video showing the capture of a single cat among several cats and moving the cat into the transfer cage.

Note 1: Experience has taught us that it is VERY important to IMMEDIATELY cover the drop trap so the animal calms down. (Notice how quickly the trapper in the video moves to do that when the trap is dropped.) If you take too long to cover the trap the scared cat(s) can repeatedly run into the cage walls trying to escape and will injure their nose and face. Once covered they will generally calm down.

Note 2: When covering the transfer cage in preparation for ushering the cat in, it is important to leave the back side of the transfer cage uncovered so that it will appear like a way out to the cat. When the drop trap is covered and the transfer cage is covered except for the back, then the cat will be in darkness and will only see light in one place – the place you want them to go. This practice helps to reduce the stress on the cat because they choose to go in the transfer cage rather than having to be poked or prodded to go into it.

Note 3: If you are trapping on dirt instead of pavement, do not leave the cat in the trap while you walk away (even if covered)  as they may be able to dig out quickly and then you must trap them again. Have all your equipment in hand and ready to proceed the instant you drop the trap over the cat.

One Comment

  • Thank you for these very helpful hints and instructions, as I have a drop trap and transfer cage, and feral cats that I feed, I want to manage my colony with zero reproductions. It is a great resource you offer to help me reach my goal. Thank you very much.


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