Need: GS-441524

FIP Treatment Dosing Simplified

FIP Treatment Dosing Simplified

How do I know if my cat has FIP? Diagnosing FIP Using GS diagnostically Because FIP can be a very fast killer, one quick way to move toward a confirmed FIP diagnosis or to eliminate FIP as a potential cause of the observed symptoms, is to immediately administer GS diagnostically.  Because GS only works on FIP, if […]

Using GS-441524 Diagnostically When FIP Is Suspected

Using GS-441524 Diagnostically When FIP Is Suspected

GS-441524 As A Diagnostic  (Click to read more about diagnosing FIP) In cases where FIP is the presumptive diagnosis, an alternative to extensive additional lab work or procedures is to use GS diagnostically.  GS441 does not treat or cure any condition other than FIP therefore if the cat begins to respond after a few doses, […]

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