In a lifesaving win for animals, Texas has officially passed into law a bill requiring animal shelters and releasing agencies, including rescues, to scan an animal in their custody for a microchip “as soon as practicable.” The act will officially take effect on September 1, 2021. Read full article
Month: August 2021
Multiple Cat Colonies Reported In Henderson, Texas
Multiple Henderson residents have contacted me about stray cats and cat colonies near them. Each one has a common theme to their story, “I called the Henderson Animal Center and they are full.” Unfortunately, Henderson has a stray and feral cat population that is larger than the Henderson Animal Center has resources to manage. So […]
How To Get Rid Of A Pet Without Becoming a Felon
The Eyes of Texas Are Upon You Texas is ranked #11 in the United States for having some of the best animal protection laws on the books. In fact, animal neglect, abuse or abandonment is a felony in Texas. So before you become a criminal for dumping unwanted kittens or pups or even your pet […]
Henderson Texas Cat Colony Being Evicted
WHAT DO YOU DO WITH A COLONY OF STRAY AND FERAL CATS THAT IS BEING EVICTED? The previous resident at the property contributed to the size of this colony because they failed to take action and spay and neuter the cats that they fed. In fact, they declined assistance offered to them to spay and […]
Friday Night Funeral
I had just fed part of the hungry kitties at the Henderson, TX cat colony and upon leaving saw a cat lying in the road. I figured it was dead, but I just had to stop and check. It was not. The poor thing looked about 6-9 months old and had a puddle of blood […]
Greta’s Story Is An “Every Stray Cat” Story
GRETA’S STORY IS AN “EVERY STRAY CAT” STORY Thank you so much to our 47 new and REPEAT donors. Your generosity matters and it makes a difference. I have spent sooooooo much more than we have raised to date because abandoned cats, feral cats and kittens like those at the Henderson Cat Colony deserve their […]
Trapper John
Thank goodness for each of the generous new feline lovers who have donated to this fundraiser and preserved my faith in humanity after encountering him. Actually, I do not know his real name. He was just some old fart (about my age) in line at Tractor Supply. He was purchasing a book on trapping and […]
One More Reason To Keep Your Cat Indoors
CAUTION: IMAGES ARE GRAPHIC – DO NOT REPORT THEM just do not look. One more reason to keep your cats indoors. I mentioned in a previous post an unfortunate incident with a cat. One of the strays that I only recently observed eating at our shop has an injury and I have been trying to […]