What About RetroMAD1 For FeLV?

Is RetroMad1 an injection?

RETROMAD1: RetroMAD1 is given orally. However, it comes in a sterile aqueous solution and can be used via sub-cutaneous injection if the pet is vomiting or has difficulty in swallowing, e.g. canine parvovirus in puppies or feline panleukopenia in kittens.

How long is the shelf life?

RETROMAD1: The shelf-life is 24 months from the date of manufacture. Normally, you will receive the boxes with 18 – 20 months of shelf life remaining.

What are the ingredients in RetroMAD1?

TXCAT.ORG:  The product insert only specifies the ingredient as RetroMAD1.

However, inspection of the Material Safety and Data Sheet accompanying the shipment indicates the primary ingredients as:

What are the anticipated changes in test results after treatment?

Our cat has no symptoms. Eats well, plays, and is not lethargic. However, his IDEXX RealPCR Quant test results were positive 47.86 progressive. Also, his FeLV Antigen by Elisa was also positive and two SNAP tests were both positive when taken 2 weeks apart. When dosed with RetroMad1 and then retested in 30-90 days, what are the anticipated changes in this test result when run again.


RETROMAD1: We recommend the following dose protocol for symptomatic FeLV cats:
Dose = 0.30mL per kg, orally, 30 – 45 minutes before meals, food supplements, and probiotics for optimal absorption.
Daily = 3 doses (total = 0.9mL per kg) at 6-hourly interval, e.g. 7AM – 1PM – 7PM, 9AM – 3PM – 9PM, or a schedule that is convenient to you.
Duration = 90 days. Please re-visit your veterinarian for a complete medical examination and FeLV viral titre (pro-viral qPCR).

When is most beneficial time to administer RetroMAD1?

Would RetroMad1 be more beneficial if administered before symptoms arise or more effective when administered after symptoms are present?

RETROMAD1: We found from customer feedback and several cat rescue shelters (high FeLV prevalence) that either is beneficial. Here are our observations that are supported by the publication we had:

  1. RetroMAD1 was shown to be effective for symptomatic FeLV cats, meaning that the clinical signs went into complete remission and the CBC results returned to their respective normal ranges. It is important to note that, independent of FeLV qPCR titres, only symptomatic FeLV cats will have shortened life span. Like HIV in humans, FeLV cats with no clinical signs and CBC parameters are within their respective normal ranges and have normal life spans.
  2. RetroMAD1 was shown in these cat rescue shelters to control the symptoms from reappearing in FeLV cats, despite FeLV qPCR titres that are considered “Progressive Infection”. We believe that this is the peculiarity of the disease. Unlike most viral diseases, FeLV is an infection of several different variants. The only variant that is transmissible is the FeLV-A variant and it is, unfortunately, not very virulent. In fact, 60% of cats will eliminate the FeLV-A variant on their own. In the remaining 40% of cats, the FeLV-A variant will randomly transform into several variants, of which the most virulent ones known today are FeLV-B and FeLV-C (this is all amply described in scientific literature). A high titre may not correlate with the severity of the disease as the titre may constitute more FeLV-A variants.
What duration of treatment is needed?

RETROMAD1: In symptomatic FeLV cats, you would expect improvement in 60 – 90 days. We then advise the cat owner to visit the veterinarian for a CBC. If the CBC parameters are still sub-normal, we recommend another 90 days.

In asymptomatic FeLV cats, we have no data on the duration of use. We have a few cases whereby the cat owner used RetroMAD1 for a year to have their cats go into Abortive Infection and FeLV Antigen Elisa negative. One of them, Mr Dexter Lum, posted his observations on the Facebook site called “Owners of FeLV/FIV cats”. It was in September 2021. Until today, he informed us that his cat continues to be FeLV negative.

When should a future PCR Test Be done?

Will a future RealPCR Quant test need to be performed in 30-60 days to evaluate the results being achieved?


RETROMAD1: FeLV is a slowly progressing disease. Once every 90 days will suffice.

Should dosage be changed if no improvement?

Would dosage be increased if the future test indicates no improvement?


RETROMAD1: No. There is no need to increase the dose.

What amount should I order? And why?

RETROMAD1: Our advice is to order for the first 60 days based on the above dose protocol in your question 3). We don’t want you to spend unnecessarily as we want you to be convinced first by observing improvement in the clinical signs or CBC parameters.


If your cat is asymptomatic, then we advise monitoring the CBC parameters monthly.


CBC is a leading indicator of the disease. The moment any of the parameters trend downwards, you may want to place the order.

RETROMAD1: Based on dosing recommendations and the weight of your cat indicated in your email, the following cost applies for 90-day treatment.  You can divide to calculate 30-day and 60-day treatment costs.

  • Josh weighs 8.6 pounds = 3.9 Kilograms
  • 3.9 kg x .9 ml daily = 1.17 ml per dose
  • 1.17 ml per dose 3x  daily = 3.51 ml per day
  • 3.51 per day times 90 days = 315.97 ml
    • 315.9 ml requires Retromad1 orders of
      • Order option 1: Boxes containing 6 x 15 ml per bottles = 90 ml for  $360  + S&H (1 box $50, 2 & 3 boxes $65, 4 boxes $85)
        • Qty boxes 4 x $360 =  $1,440
      • Order option 2: Boxes containing 2 x 50 ml per bottles = 100 ml for $400 + S&H
        • Qty boxes 4 x $400 = $1,600
How do I proceed to place an order?

RETROMAD1: If you have not done so on the Order page, https://retromad1.com/order/, may we advise that you do so? We use courier service (FedEx, TNT or DHL). So, they will need your address and contact number. Please note that they will not send to a P.O. box address.

This is the invoice for our order
Are there other treatments that may help fight FeLV?

Other drugs and supplements that could have benefits as reported by other FeLV+ cat owners include, but are not limited to:



  • Imuquin
  • ProBoost
  • Polyphrenol Immunostimulant (PI)  – VetImmune
  • Proviable


  • Doxycycline

After learning about RetroMAD1 and the cost, some readers may wonder if an equivalent treatment is available at a lower cost.

The answer to that will depend on the reader's assessment of the potential effectiveness of the ingredients in RetroMAD1 and whether or not those same ingredients might be acquired through other channels at lower cost and administered as an alternative to RetroMAD1.

It is possible that an alternative treatment regimen using the same ingredients as those found in RetroMAD 1 could have similar benefits for a FeLV cat, but may function differently than the RetroMAD1 product due to its formation.

However, any treatment with the potential for boosting a FeLV+ cat's immune response to the virus may be more beneficial than no treatment at all. 

Visit the Facebook group RetroMAD1 Case Studies for some 1st-hand user experiences.

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