Importance of Spay And Neuters

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These are Not My Cats, But They Have Been Fully Vetted Because I Care

These are not my cats, but each one has been fully vetted so they can have a better cat life than before and so they do not contribute to cat overpopulation in Texas.

Spaying helps prevent uterine infections and breast tumors, which are malignant or cancerous in about 90 percent of cats.

One cat can have over 100 kittens when left unspayed.

Up to 80% of all homeless kittens and cats die before their 1st birthday.

Feeding homeless cats and kittens without spaying and neutering makes you part of the problem rather than part of the solution.  If you feed them, fix them.

If You Feed Them, Fix Them

Help save Texas cat lives by spaying and neutering or sponsor a neighbor to spay and neuter their pets or ones they feed. 

Or donate to and we'll do it all for you. 

Your action will help reduce overpopulation and reduce the 100,000 annual euthanizations in Texas shelters that occur because of irresponsible people.

Texas Has A Public That Allows Random Pet Breeding and Irresponsible Pet Ownership

Be part of the solution, not part of the problem.

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