Pepper (male) and Buttermilk (female) were born 04/02/2020 to mama Drive under a pile of sheet metal in a neighbor’s backyard. Pepper has always been very skittish and he would run when he saw anyone looking at him from 50 yards away. He and Buttermilk were trapped and vetted at about 3 months of age, […]
Need: Residents
The Two Thousand Dollar Tortie
Tortitude. One word to describe the unique personality often displayed by Tortiseshell cats. “Tortoiseshell cats are believed to have a stronger, fiercely independent personality, strong-willed attitude, and be generally feisty. This means they have a greater inclination to hiss, bite, chase, and scratch humans.” “ARE TORTOISESHELL CATS RARE? Tortie cats are relatively rare when compared […]
Sir Jeffrey
Click to view several Facebook posts about Sir Jeffrey Submit Adoption Application (Call (903) 263-9807 after you submit) Signup to Become Sir Jeffrey’s Kitty Advocate Sir Jeffrey is one of two surviving kittens born to Puff on 04/21/2016. He is a regal fellow with a laid-back demeanor and we think he is a bit autistic in […]
Click to view several Facebook posts about Puff Submit Adoption Application (Call (903) 263-9807 after you submit) Signup to become Puff’s Kitty Advocate Ask about Puff’s origin story.
Click To View several Facebook posts about Tiger Signup to become Tiger’s Kitty Advocate Male Birthdate 03/03/2020 Neutered 03/30/2021 Microchipped 02/21/2021Â Tiger arrived as a stray who was found in our garage during a particularly cold spell when the temperature dropped to 1 degree in our area. He was crying and snuggled between some thermal […]
Tabby is a ginger cat who barged through our feet into the house one cold and rainy evening. We were carrying bags and trying to get through the door and she was determined to get inside. She was soaking wet from the rain and she was coming in the house no matter what. She was […]
Prince is the biggest cat in the clan weighing in at over 14 pounds. He is also the most docile member of the clan.
Tree is the most dedicated and protective mama cat ever.
Tuck Adopted Into Loving Family
Tuck is one of four kittens born outdoors in a hollow tree to a stray mom in April 2020. His whole litter and mom were successfully trapped and brought indoors for medical checkups, spay and neuters, socialization and a whole bunch of spoiling over the past year. 🙂 He is one of three brothers and […]
Mama Kitty
Patrols her territory vigilantly for interlopers and dispenses with them in short order