Three Young Stray Cats Now Have Loving Homes
TXCAT ORG | Posted on |

(Excerpt from Alice's Facebook)
Update on my cat saga:
Today went almost perfectly! God was definitely involved in the whole thing! It was a whirlwind kind of day filled with lovely and surprising events. Plus several surprise visits with great friends.
Today three more young adult cats have gained safe, loving homes and are protected now from continually bringing more kittens into areas where there's already plenty.
Thank you to all involved in making this a reality! Among those of you who helped make today possible, I want to especially thank Phil Duncan for sponsoring the neuters and rabies vaccinations, and Tina Costlow and Blair Williams.
Three cute black and white tuxedo kittens, that are weaned and litter trained are available now.
You are invited to message me and come meet them.
More kittens are coming, who will need homes and at least one more young adult cat — their mommy, Dottie, after her litter is weaned.

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