Greta’s Story Is An “Every Stray Cat” Story

Thank you so much to our 47 new and REPEAT donors. Your generosity matters and it makes a difference.
I have spent sooooooo much more than we have raised to date because abandoned cats, feral cats and kittens like those at the Henderson Cat Colony deserve their chance to live their cat lives.
Greta's story could be the story of any kitten born to a stray or feral mom in a homeless environment without human support, EXCEPT unlike Greta's story, 50% of those kittens are never found by Good Samaritans and they die.
Of all the stray and feral cats lucky enough to make it to adulthood, many of them then end up on death row in some Texas animal shelter because Texas still euthanizes more cats/dogs annually than any other state except California.
Fortunately, Greta was found by a caring person — probably only hours before she would have died from dehydration and malnourishment. Unfortunately that is the part of Greta's story that is the “Every Stray Cat” story for 50% of homeless kittens who are not discovered and die. Fortunately, she was discovered and rapid intervention by caring people is now at least giving her a chance to live.
The pictures below of tiny Greta show some progress being made with saving her little life, but she is far from assured to live.
Many times abandoned kittens can have an underlying defect that the mom senses which is why she abandons them. Sometimes even when an abandoned kitten is found and nursed to health, a number of them suddenly die without symptoms before they are 2-3 months old, so Greta may not make it, but we are celebrating each day that she does even though through tired and weary eyes.
Before Greta's arrival on Aug 13, back on May 24th at the Henderson Cat Colony we 1st found 5 kittens with no mom, then a day later we found 3 more with no mom and then July 5th we found 4 more with no mom.
Saving those 12 kittens required bottle feeding and recapturing a nursing mom (Queenie) who was willing to help feed them. Thankfully, Wren has filled the role of nursing mama for little Greta because Queenie's milk had dried up.
Had we not been feeding the Henderson Cat Colony twice a day in preparation to try and manage it, we would never have known about these 12 little orphans and at least 50% of them they would have died an unheralded dust-to-dust death with their tiny lives never having been known to anyone.
Each of these 12 kittens and Greta would have just become part of the dead 50% had they not been found and supported by humans who cared enough to take action. Forty-seven (47) generous donors to date have taken action just as surely as if you had personally scooped these babies up off the barren ground where they were found. THANK YOU.
If only a responsible human had spayed or neutered 4 cats, then these 13 kittens would never have been born into an almost certain death situation that was only prevented by the intervention of 47 humans who cared enough to take action and save their lives.
More unfortunate kittens are already on the way at the Henderson Cat Colony because we have been unable to spay and neuter fast enough, so Greta's story is just waiting to repeat.
THANK YOU TO OUR 47 generous caring donors who have contributed to this fundraiser and to saving the Henderson Cat Colony and Greta's life.
If we can reach our $5k goal before Facebook ends this fundraiser (about 30 more days), then we will be able to complete spaying and neutering the Henderson Cat Colony so that no more kittens are born into the unfortunate circumstances these 13 were born into.
You can be one of our 47 new donors today and with contributions from another 47 new or repeat donors, we can meet the fundraising goal and your support will save Texas kitten lives like Greta's.
“When you give, they live.”
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