Rehoming Your Pet

- Arp, Texas - God's Creation Rescue & Safe Haven
- Ben Wheeler, Texas (12 mi to Canton)- The Catty Shack Cat Rescue
- East Texas Rescues List - Tyler Humane Society
- Laneville, TX - East Texas Animal Rescue
- Longview, Texas - Partners For Pets
- Longview, Texas - Texas Star Rescue
- Longview, Texas - The Cat's Meow Rescue (TMCR)
- Longview, Texas The Cat's Meow Rescue
- Mt Enterprise, Texas - New Life Rescue
- Tyler, Texas - O'Malley Alley Cat
- Wilson, Texas - Saving Grace Rescue
Sometimes circumstances require finding a new temporary or permanent home for your pet.
Perhaps moving into an apartment that does not allow pets, a senior moving to a nursing home, etc.
The first thing we recommend is posting a flattering picture of the pet on social media sites and asking all your friends to share it.
Be sure to include vitals about your pet like, breed, gender, disposition, spayed or neutered, vaccinated, good with dogs or other cats, etc.
Also be sure to set the privacy setting of the post about your pet to PUBLIC so that anyone can see it and so that your friends can share it with people who are not your friends.
You can also join some local social media animal groups and post within those groups.
People known to you are likely to provide the best home for your pet and you will be able to know how they are doing in their new home.
If you cannot find a friend or friend of a friend locally that will take your pet, then you can contact local rescues who might be able to take it in and find it a home.
You might also list your pet for free on local or national pet listing sites. Some of these sites report results in only a few hours.
You can also surrender your pet to your local municipal shelter but please know that some are truly no-kill while others say they are no-kill but do kill and others are high-kill shelters. Unfortunately you may find that no-kill shelters and rescues are often full and unable to take in new animals.
Lastly, be very cautious about considering people unknown to you or who were not referred to you by a known acquaintance because unfortunately some people have nefarious intent when acquiring animals.
Rehoming a pet can be a stressful undertaking and knowing that a friend or known acquaintance will be caring for them can help minimize that stress.
Putting forth a strong effort on social media and asking all to assist by sharing your PUBLIC post may find a good home for your pet.
Other Resources
- Arp, Texas - God's Creation Rescue & Safe Haven
- Athens, Texas - Humane Society Henderson County Texas
- Ben Wheeler, Texas (12 mi to Canton)- The Catty Shack Cat Rescue
- East Texas - TNR Resources
- Henderson, Texas - Henderson Animal Center
- Henderson, Texas - Petsense
- Henderson, Texas - Petsense (Rusk County Pets Alive)
- Henderson, Texas - Rusk Country Pets Alive (Facebook)
- Henderson, Texas - Rusk Country Pets Alive (Website)
- Henderson, Texas - Texas Cats Org (TXCAT.ORG)
- Kilgore, Texas - Gotpaws?
- Longview - Regard4Life
- Longview - The Cat's Meow Rescue
- Longview Texas, Petco - Partnership For Pets
- Longview, Texas - Longview Animal Care And Adoption Center (KILL SHELTER)
- Longview, Texas - Partners For Pets
- Longview, Texas - Texas Star Rescue
- Longview, Texas - The Cat's Meow Rescue (TMCR)
- Longview, Texas The Cat's Meow Rescue
- National - Adopt A Pet
- National - Adopt a Pet (Purina)
- National - No Kill Network Adopt A Pet
- National - Petfinder (Purina)
- National - Rehome (Adopt a Pet)
- National - Rescue Me
- National - Rescue Me (Georgia)
- Tyler - Pets Fur People
- Tyler, Texas - O'Malley Alley Cat
- Tyler, Texas - Pets Fur People
- Tyler, Texas - SPCA of East Texas
- Utah - Best Friends - Save Them All