Cats Laying Weird Contest
& Fundraiser To Save Texas Cats

This contest is a fun way for cat lovers to showcase their cats and kittens and/or contribute $ toward an important life-saving cause.Â
Votes can be cast for cattestants without making a contribution.
You may vote for, or contribute to as many cats as you want.
Contributions go to help homeless Henderson, Texas cats and kittens through the Duncan Home For Wayward Cats.Â
Judging is done by contributors who give $ and/or votes for the cat they want to win.
Votes can be cast without a contribution; however, contributions may trump votes at the contest deadline.
Yes, cat owners may vote (contribute $) for their own cat as much as they want. (Even enough to beat all the other contestants. 🙂 ) Â
Yes, that means it is very easy to bribe the judge… since judge may be the cattestant's owner=you. 🙂
Voting continues until a winner is declared.
The contest winner is determined by the cat with the most contributions at the contest deadline.
In the event of a tie, the contest deadline will be extended by a fixed amount of time to allow the tie to be broken and the winner determined.
The cat receiving the most votes (contribution $) by the deadline will be declared the winner and the winning cattestant receives a back scratch, head pat, and treats. 🙂
The cat's owner may elect to receive the same 🙂 OR instead they can choose a $25 gift certificate from our sponsor, “The Smokehouse Restaurant.”
You may enter your cat as a cattestant by uploading their photo along with their name and any other comments you want to post.Â
When your entry is approved, voting~contributing for your furbaby can begin.
Yes, you may cast votes for any cattestant and/or contribute $ toward the cat(s) of your choice without entering a cat in the contest.
We appreciate your support however, you choose to give it.